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First sofosbuvir active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) prequalified

31 March, 2017 - 02:00 (CEST)

Sofosbuvir (WHOAPI-290) manufactured by Mylan Laboratories Ltd has been prequalified by the WHO Prequalification Team: medicines under its API prequalification procedure.

  • WHOAPI-290 - Sofosbuvir - Mylan Laboratories Ltd - INDIA  - This is the first sofosbuvir API to be prequalified. 
    • Sofosbuvir is one of a small group of important active pharmaceutical ingredients that is being used in a new series of finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) that offers improved outcomes when treating hepatitis C infection.

Good-quality APIs are vital to the production of good-quality medicines.  WHO prequalification of APIs facilitates production of quality medicines by identifying such APIs for use by manufacturers of FPPs.

API prequalification consists of a comprehensive evaluation procedure that has two components: assessment of the API master file to verify compliance with WHO norms and standards, and evaluation of the sites of API manufacture to verify compliance with WHO Good Manufacturing Practice requirements.