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Webinar on Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) submissions to the WHO Prequalification unit (PQT)

21 November, 2023 - 11:00 - 12:30 (CET)
Online Event

The WHO Prequalification Unit continues to move forward towards opening of its external ePQS portal.

One aspect of the ePQS portal will be the ability to lodge documents for Vaccine and Medicine related applications in eCTD format Information on the Module 1 requirements for WHO-PQT are found on the new ePQS webpage LINK. 

Additional information relating to eCTD will continue to be added to this page.

To help explain these requirements and address questions, Extedo GmbH will be hosting a webinar in conjunction with WHO-PQT entitled: Your key to PQT: Implementing M1 for eCTD submissions submitted to the WHO Prequalification Unit (PQT) 

Registration for this event can be made at this link  Implementing M1 for eCTD submissions submitted to the WHO Prequalification Unit (PQT) | EXTEDO

This webinar will be recorded and posted to the eCTD website in due course.