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Training Workshop on selected GMP topics for pharmaceutical manufacturers and GMP inspectors

9 - 12 May, 2011 - 02:00 - 02:00 (CEST)

Nairobi, Kenya,  9 - 12 May 2011

The World Health Organization Prequalification of Medicines Programme (PQP) in co-operation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft fer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the German Medical Aid Organisation action medeor e.V. organize an advanced GMP workshop for pharmaceutical manufacturers and GMP inspectors in Kenya. The workshop is organized in close collaboration with the GMP inspectorate of the Pharmacy and Poison Board in Kenya (PPB). Altogether 27 participants delegated by Kenyan manufacturers may attend in addition to 8 GMP inspectors. The programme is designed to suit the needs of production and quality managers, who are already experienced with manufacturing operations.

The programme of the workshop focuses on selected GMP topics, which according to the experience of manufacturers and GMP inspectors are common cause of non-compliance with GMP standards. In addition to presentations participants will be asked to practice their knowledge in several hands-on exercises. To cover the programme topics in their complexity, workshop faculty includes inspectors, industrial pharmacists and regulators with broad international experience. 

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