
Label all equipment in accordance with the codes in the inventory list made in phase 1 under Equipment


Each piece of equipment must be uniquely labeled to link the piece of equipment to its file in the Equipment Register and archive. A label also enables you to easily refer to specific pieces of equipment in documents such as SOPs.


When the Equipment Register was developed in phase 1 unique codes were given to each piece of equipment. Make a label with the equipment code for each piece of equipment present in the laboratory.


Optionally: A second label could be added that indicates when last maintenance/calibration was performed and when the next service is due. This assures the users of the equipment that they use a properly functioning piece of equipment. This label needs to be renewed each time the piece of equipment has been services. The label with the equipment code is permanent.


Both labels must be resistant to fluids, chemicals, light, and wear and tear during normal use and cleaning of the equipment.

How & who

Equipment Officer:

  1. Find a suitable way of labeling the equipment.
  2. Label all the equipment included in the Equipment Register.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Equipment


ISO15189:2007: 5.3.3 5.3.9