
Optimize communication channels within the laboratory building (appropriate to the size of the building) to facilitate easy transfer of information


Where necessary and convenient, communication channels must be established to increase efficiency of work. For example: when one is working in a BSL III laboratory room and has to speak to a colleague in the office area, it is easier to call this colleague instead of having to take off his/her laboratory coat and gloves, wash hands, and walk to the office area. This prevents also that people walk around in laboratory coats just because they are getting tired of repeatedly taking it off and dressing oneself again.


It may also be possible that some laboratory rooms are situated in another building.


Mobile phone use should not be allowed inside the laboratories because of the risk for infection (staff touching the phone without washing hand, potentially contaminating it which increases the risk for infection). Besides, mobile phones may distract staff from jobs requiring all their attention and focus.


Install a telephone/intercom system in the rooms where necessary.

How & who

Laboratory manager:

  1. Check if a communication system is necessary for your laboratory.
  2. Check which system is most appropriate and cost-efficient for the laboratory.
  3. Find funds for financing such a system.
  4. Order the system and get it installed and functioning.
  5. Make sure that mobile phones are not used inside the laboratories.


NOTE that when a telephone/intercom system is used people should be made aware that it is not allowed to operate this while wearing gloves to prevent laboratory-associated infection and contamination. It is also forbidden to use mobile phones inside laboratory rooms for the same reasons.


Make sure that emergency numbers are visibly located near the communication system.

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This activity belongs to the QSE Facilities & Safety


ISO15189:2007: 5.2.2 5.2.8
ISO15189:2012: 5.2.1 5.2.2