
Chapter 7.7 Doing research in Health EDRM

Conducting Health EDRM research presents unique and diverse opportunities and challenges, given the complexities of health, risks, hazards and disasters. Understanding how to approach Health EDRM research can help researchers generate high quality evidence that can be used to promote, restore and maintain the health status and health equity of individuals and communities before, during and after emergencies or disasters.

Chapter 7.5 Doing Health EDRM research in the field

Fieldwork is a critical component of Health EDRM research but this can be difficult, especially in emergency or disaster contexts. Researchers must be prepared for rapidly changing situations and uncertainty.

Chapter 7.5 sets out key practical considerations for those planning to undertake field-based Health EDRM research. It outlines the preparation required before beginning fieldwork, logistical aspects associated with field-based research and key components for ensuring its success.

Chapter 7.3 How to write a successful grant application for a research study

Research related to health emergency and disaster risk management (Health EDRM) will often need external funding, which will require the submission of a grant proposal.

Chapter 7.3 provides an overview of the steps involved in preparing a grant application for a Health EDRM research study. It discusses the components of a grant proposal, how to choose the most appropriate funding body to apply to and the development of a grant budget. The chapter also explains the grant review process and provides information on how to manage a grant.