
Purchase spill kits and write and implement an SOP on Dealing with Spills


Laboratory spills have a high risk for infection when not cleaned-up safely. Spill kits contain all the materials needed to clean-up a spill in a safe way.


Purchase spill kits. The WHO TB Laboratory Biosafety Manual provides a list of materials that should be included in the spill kit (on page 43). The WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual (third edition) provides more information on the cleanup of different types of spills, including a step-by-step spill cleanup procedure on page 95.


When the spill kits are received, write an SOP on Dealing with Spills. This SOP must provide the procedures for dealing with different types of spills. The TB CAP Laboratory Toolbox provides two template SOPs for cleanup of a specimen spill and for cleanup of infectious material in the biosafety cabinet that you will find on the right of this page.

How & who

Biosafety Officer

  1. Once the spill kit(s) are received, start writing the SOP on Dealing with Spills. First make a list of the different procedures needed to clean up different types of spills (e.g. chemical spills, spill of infectious material in the laboratory room, spill of infectious material in the biosafety cabinet, etc.
  2. Write the SOP in accordance with the protocol for writing a Procedure SOP in the Master SOP and use the template for a Procedure SOP attached to the Master SOP.
  3. Add the procedure to the Biosafety Manual.
  4. Familiarize staff with this procedure; all staff members have to read the procedure and sign and date the Read and Understand List of the Biosafety Manual.


Laboratory Manager

  1. Find funds and purchase spill kits (the number depends on the size of the laboratory).
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This activity belongs to the QSE Facilities & Safety
ISO15189:2007: 4.2.1
ISO15190:2003: 7.213