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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Somalia TA for the development of a roadmap to move towards UHC in emergency context Recruit TA for UHC roadmap
Somalia Conduct consultative workshops in all the states of Somalia meetings with donors and other partners and a ratification workshop of the UHC roadmap Consultation for localization of SDGs, UHC roadmap and EPHS
Somalia Revision of Essential Package of Health Services EPHS to ensure a comprehensive package that includes hospitals health facilities and community level health services Review of EPHS based on DCP3 recommendations and develop plan for revision of EPHS
Somalia Launch Humanitarian and development nexus mission with support from regional office and HQ Humanitarian development nexus mission
Somalia Comprehensive essential package of health services have been developed Health policy strategy plans include Equity Gender Human Rights approaches The complete and finalized Somalia EPHS 2020 document, executive action document, web version.
Provide continuous support in mainstreaming UHC principles broadly in policy making, planning, dialogue, technical work, across health system components. Equity, gender and human right approach are well reflected in the National Health Policy, Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP III), and the EPHS service delivery framework.



Product/Service Deliverables Status
Somalia Health workforce improved to support provision of quality health services Update the Human Resources for Health (HRH) strategy and plan.
NHPC (National Health Professions Commission) launched & functional.
Build MOH staff capacity at federal & state levels with regard to the institutional functions of each department / unit.
Update HRH situation analysis and figures, assess and develop the HRH information system.

Somalia Implement the Essential Package of Health Services support the MoH in this effort Develop EPHS implementation guidance Design options for funding arrangements Facilitate policy dialogue and partners negotiation Develop assessment monitoring tools For the EPHS, assist in the development of a comprehensive implementation guidance, standards and tools, to implement / adopt the EPHS.
Define a monitoring and evaluation framework to monitor and measure how this UHC benefit package responds to the health needs of the population, to demonstrate results, serve accountability, increase demand for and utilization of PHC.
Position the EPHS as the common framework for all health interventions across the development, humanitarian and peace building support.
Mobilize resources to expand community based services, also through links to formal financial sector.