Checklist Phase 1 - Process Management

Does the laboratory have a Request Form that includes at least the following details (tick off):

  • Patient details (name, address, telephone number, birth date, gender, etc.)
  • Requester details
  • Type of primary sample
  • Examination(s) requested
  • Clinical information relevant to the laboratory (HIV status, CD4 count, etc)
  • Date, time and place of sample collection
  • Date and time of receipt of the sample at the laboratory


Is the Request Form for Laboratory Testing clear?


Does the Request Form for Laboratory Testing provide clear guidance on how it should be filled-out?


Has the laboratory identified and listed all the tests performed to determine which SOPs need to be written?


Have SOPs been written for all the tests routinely performed at the laboratory?


Have all SOPs been written according to the procedures described in the Master SOP?


Do all SOPs have the same structure and lay-out, complying with the guidelines of the Master SOP?
