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WHO announces winners of the 5th Health for All Film Festival
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The World Health Organization has announced the official selection of this year’s winning films of its 5th Health for All Film Festival. The awards were announced Sunday, 26 May at a special event launching WHO’s Investment Round on the eve of the Seventy-Seventh World Health Assembly in Geneva. Please see below the list of winners, and view all of the winning films on the official Health for All Film Festival playlist


List of films awarded

Universal Health Coverage "Grand Prix": “The Visionary Women of Indonesia” – Indonesia / Disabilities; Blindness; Rehabilitation
Directed by Nalin Narang (Australia) from The Fred Hollows Foundation / Documentary – Duration 5’10’’

Health Emergencies "Grand Prix": “Journey Beyond the Rubble”– Türkiye / Natural disasters; Earthquake; Internally displaced persons
Directed by Mumen Sayed Issa and Atheer Salem Bahr (Türkiye) from the Independent Doctors Association / Documentary – Duration 7’09’’

Better Health and Well-being "Grand Prix": “Color” – Spain / Gender equity
Directed by Eva Jakubovska (Poland/Spain) / Fiction – Duration 8’

Special Prize Physical Activity and Health Film: "Ping Pong Parkinsons” – United States of America / Mental health; Parkinson; Physical activity
Directed by Dave Steck (United States of America) from Numeric Pictures company / Documentary - Duration 3’06’’

Special Prize Migrants and Refugees Health Film: “Dalal's Story” – Iraq / Trauma; War; Refugees health; Mental health
Directed by Alexandra Cordukes from Laundry Lane Productions (Australia) / Animation – Duration 6’15’’

Student Film Prize: “Mom & Me, and that... (Maman & Moi, et ça...)” – France / NCDs - Cancer; Mental health
Directed by Elisa Tiozzo (France) / Animation – Duration 3’56’’

Special Prize Very Short Film: “Cycle Path” – United Kingdom / Environment; Climate change and health
Directed by Red Wade (United Kingdom) / Fiction – Duration 3’


The UHC Partnership is one of the institutional supporters of the Health for all Film Festival.


About the UHC Partnership

The UHC Partnership is one of the core components of the WHO Special Programme on Primary Health Care. It was created by WHO and its development partners in 2011 to bridge the gap between global commitments on UHC and country implementation, by providing the technical expertise needed to reinforce the leadership of the ministries of health in building equitable, resilient and effective health systems based on primary health care. Today, more than 145 health policy advisers are in the field working with WHO offices, national authorities and partners to foster policy dialogue and support countries in a wide range of areas including strategic planning, health governance, harmonization and alignment, health financing, health workforce, medicines and medical products, vaccines, gender, equity, human rights, mental health, noncommunicable diseases, among others.

The UHC Partnership in operates in over 125 countries, representing over 3 billion people. It is supported and funded by WHO, the European Union, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Irish Aid, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Government of Japan, the United Kingdom - Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Belgium, Canada and Germany.