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A side event at World Health Assembly 71, Geneva, Switzerland
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During the 71st World Health Assembly (WHA) side event on ‘People’s voice and social participation: key roles and contributions to UHC’, country representatives of Chile, France, Iran, Thailand and Tunisia shared their experiences in setting up and institutionalizing social participation in national planning processes. In addition, civil society panelists echoed the importance of investing in people’s voice and social participation to drive the UHC agenda forward.

“People must have a strong voice for UHC — yet effective mechanisms for participation are often missing in countries”, said Dr Souwmya Swaminathan, Deputy Director General of WHO as she opened the WHA side event on People’s voice and social participation: Key roles and contributions to UHC, co-sponsored by Iran, Thailand and Chile and co-organised by WHO, UHC2030 and the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism. Read the full article here –