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Governments push for Universal Health Coverage as COVID-19 continues to devastate communities and economies
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Universal health coverage (UHC) is an ambitious goal that the world can’t afford to miss. The lessons that countries are currently learning from the COVID-19 pandemic all underscore that investing in health for all is not optional. Stable, equitable, prosperous and peaceful societies and economies are only possible when no one is left behind. This crisis is an opportunity to seize the moment to make changes that benefit both UHC and health security.

The UHC Partnership, one of WHO’s largest initiatives for international cooperation for UHC, supports countries to strengthen the foundations of their health systems to boost their COVID-19 response, enhance preparedness for impending health emergencies, and ensure that everyone, especially the most vulnerable, can access the essential health services they need without experiencing financial hardship.

Countries are demonstrating that effective primary health care and a strong health workforce are among the most powerful ways to bring health services closer to communities, protect everyone from all health threats and inch closer to UHC. Some of these country examples are documented in the UHC Partnership’s special series of stories from the field on the COVID-19 response.


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Related links:

UHC Partnership donors
10 global health issues to track in 2021
UHC Day 2020
Universal Health Coverage
Primary Health Care
International Health Regulations (2005)
Noncommunicable diseases
Health workforce