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WHO Triple Billion Showcase
Date (Start/End)
3 - 13 May, 2021 - 15:00 - 17:00 (CEST)
Event type

From 3 to 13 May 2021, WHO will convene representatives from Member States and other contributors for a series of virtual “Triple Billion Showcase” dialogues. The sessions are scheduled around four tracks to cover each one of the billion goals in the WHO General Programme of Work 13 (Universal Health Coverage, Emergencies and Health and Wellbeing), and a fourth track covering science, data and innovation. Two sessions are planned to allow for participation across time zones.


Participants will be presented with in depth information and opportunities for dynamic exchanges with WHO senior leaders and technical staff to discuss about the achievements, innovation and impact of WHO’s current work, highlighting the crucial interlinkage between the billions and the impact in countries.


This is an event closed to invited participants.