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Satellite Session at HSR: Governance arrangements for strategic purchasing
Date (Start/End)
8 October, 2018 - 08:00 - 23:45 (CEST)
Event Topic
Event type

JOIN US: We look forward to seeing you at our WHO skills building session at the HSR Liverpool 2018:

Effective governance arrangements and capacity for strategic purchasing of health services


Monday 8 October, 8:00 AM – 11:45 PM, ROOM 3A Convention Centre

It’s early, but breakfast will be available from 7:45AM, and it will be an interactive and participatory session.


This session will present and discuss a new WHO analytical framework for the assessment of a country’s governance arrangements required for strategic purchasing of health services. The core components of governance for strategic purchasing will be discussed and methodological issues explored to reflect on how to undertake such an assessment. In-depth group work will allow for participants to apply this to their country context and to share country experience.

The second part of the session focuses on skills-building in group discussions on issues of research into governance, addressing governance gaps and exploring capacity strengthening options whilst considering the political economy and feasibility  of such policy options.