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NCD Hard Talks: Reducing Risks, Averting Deaths! Leveraging Systems for NCD Prevention
Date (Start/End)
17 February, 2021 - 13:00 - 14:30 (CET)
Event type



Schedule: 17 February 2021 • 1300-1430H CET


This webinar dives into new health promotion tools, their application and key know-how from hands-on stakeholders on how to serve higher public health objectives.


Over 50% of all noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) can be prevented if their risk factors are addressed and conditions are changed so that healthy choices become easy choices.


Many “best” cost-effective population interventions for tackling NCDs and their risk factors embrace a health promotion approach. Research, policy and action provide evidence-based instruments to design a future that is conducive to the health and well-being of the public and the planet. Disease prevention and health promotion help improve the resiliency and sustainability of health services and systems.


Health promotion requires an expansion beyond the health sector and individual responsibility to enable people to take control and improve their health. It relies on societal efforts from the government, civil society, academia, private sector and faith-based organizations to nurture health and well-being in the population.