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NCD Hard Talks: From Declarations to Actions: Political will to fight NCDs
Date (Start/End)
20 January, 2021 - 13:00 - 14:30 (CET)
Event type



Schedule: 20 January 2021 • 1300-1430H CET​


Join us as health experts untangle the fabric of health governance, sharing key insights on the gaps, challenges and lessons learned on how to strengthen the political will to fight the NCD epidemic.


The health system response to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) begins from the top, in the political realm with not only declarations, but accompanied actions by the representatives of the people at the helm of leadership.


NCDs has been supported by four United Nations High-Level Meetings (UNHLM), however, few corresponding actions have followed at the global and country level. To make progress on NCDs, political action enforcing a multisectoral approach is needed with government ministries and agencies working together in collaboration with communities, civil society, private sector and other partners for a whole-of-society and strengthened health systems approach. Participation, inclusion, and co-production are key factors for increasing the uptake of evidence-based interventions for the prevention and management of NCDs.