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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Suriname Strengthening MOH capacities for the implementation of essential public health functions Conduct assessment of EPHF and develop action plan to address improvements
Suriname Support the Strengthening of Sub regional regulatory capacities Assessment of regulatory functions and action plan for improvement
Suriname Strengthening of Sub regional regulatory capacities Training of regulatory committee using regional toolkit and development of web-based platform for Regulatory Body
Suriname The Strengthening of Sub regional regulatory capacities Support revision of the EML and development of country strategy for Rational Use of Medicines
Suriname Implementation of HRH plan of action in Caribbean countries according to the needs of the programs for each type of health professional Conduct situation analysis on health workforce related to population needs and priorities
Suriname Caribbean node of the Virtual Campus for Public Health support development and expansion of node by offering virtual courses in priority areas for the Caribbean Develop National HRH Strategy and Action Plan for Suriname
Suriname Implementation of Health Financing policies strategies and action plans Review the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing models in use under current National Health Financing scheme
Suriname Health Financing policies strategies and action plans Design revenue raising and pooling mechanisms in response to Fiscal Space Study recommendation
Suriname Engagement missions on tobacco taxation Demand analysis for tobacco and SSB Conduct investment case on NCDs in Suriname
Suriname 1 Implementation of HRH plan of action in Caribbean countries according to the needs of the programs for each type of health professional Condcut situation analysis on health workforce related to population needs and priorities


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Suriname Strengthening MOH capacities for the implementation of essential public health functions Conduct assessment of EPHF and develop action plan to address improvements. EPHF Assessment report and Action Plan
On hold
Suriname Support the Strengthening of Sub regional regulatory capacities Assessment of regulatory functions and action plan for improvement. Assessment report and Action plan. Training of regulatory committee using regional toolkit and development of web-based platform for Regulatory Body. Toolkit adapted to Suriname context; Training conducted; and web-based system developed

Suriname Caribbean node of the Virtual Campus for Public Health support development and expansion of node by offering virtual courses in priority areas for the Caribbean Develop National HRH Strategy and Action Plan for Suriname
Suriname Implementation of Health Financing policies strategies and action plans Review the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing models in use under current National Health Financing scheme. Assessment report on purchasing mechanisms developed and shared with Govt for action
On hold
Suriname Engagement missions on tobacco taxation Demand analysis for tobacco and SSB Conduct investment case on NCDs in Suriname. Investment case finalised and disseminated to stakeholders
Suriname Implementation of the Monitoring Framework for Universal Health given priority to the generation and analysis of NMH related indicators Strengthen surveillance system for the capture and reporting of Mental Health indicators. Country-specific UH Monitoring Framework developed for Suriname with country-specific indicators. Data mapping and flow conducted and included in Monitoring Framework. System upgrade finalised and training conducted
Suriname Strengthening resolution capacity of the service delivery network with priority focus on first level of care to respond to priority NCDs Mental Health and other conditions Design and implement tobacco cessation program. Strategy for tobacco cessation finalized
On hold
Suriname Promote salt reduction in the Caribbean Develop and implement mass media campaigns on NCD risk factors
Suriname Implement diabetes and hypertension control interventions in primary care and facilitate exchange of information and experiences Conduct full assessment of barriers to accessing care among hypertension and diabetes patients; review and revise national protocols and standards in primary care settings
Suriname Breast and cervical cancer control including palliative care Development of a national cervical cancer screening program aligned with WHO guidelines using a roll-out method. CC situation analysis conducted; program framework developed and pilot project conducted in select areas.
Suriname Improved health promotion prevention and management of NCDs at the first levels of care Support the MOH with the scaling up of MH surveillance through training and development of specific surveillance tools, Support the MOH with the development of a HEARTS client app, Support the MOH with the implementation of HiAP addressing the SDHs (Health Promotion), Support the MOH in integrating MH care into the HEARTS initiative On track