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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Sudan Formulation of National Health Policy NHP 2017 2030 Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Sudan Review of National Health Sector Strategic Plan NHSSP 2016 2021 Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Sudan One Health Plan 2018 support to integrate and align disease strategies into national health strategies Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Sudan Assessment of Health Sector Joint Annual Review 2016 17 Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan National SDG MAPS Sustinable Development Goals Mainstreaming acceleration and policy support Stocktaking Exercise Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan Legislative Assessment Accountability and Legal Review Workshop Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan Support to fundamentals of Health Systems Governance Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan Networks and communities of practice for health systems governance Joint Learning Network JLN Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan Political context of Health Health in All Policies HiAP Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Sudan Adoption of global agenda for humanity Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus New ways of Working NWoW Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Sudan Health Financing Diagnostic Analysis Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Changing roles of Ministry of Health Enhanced integration between purchaser provider functions Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Strengthening National Health Insurance Fund NHIF Governance at all levels Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Ensuring basic Health Systems Financing reforms at decentralized levels West Darfur s One Health Plan Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Sudan Evidence base for priority setting Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Sudan Cross border issues Health Security and IHR Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Sudan Support to development partners sub committee of Sudan Health Sector Partners Forum SHSPF At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Sudan Active participation of multiple stakeholders in the health system at SHSPF At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Sudan Institutionalization for building resilient health systems At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Sudan Implementation support for National Health Policy NHP Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Sudan Preparation of One Health Sector Plan for 2019 Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Sudan Implementation support to Sudan HRH Policy Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Sudan Preparation of Joint Annual Review 2018 process commencement Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan Implementation support for Health Expenditure Survey 2018 process Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan Development of new health packages provider payment mechanisms and strategic purchasing guidelines Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan NHIF FMOH Training on health economics and health package re designing Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Sudan Assessment of institutional capacities for strengthening governance mechanisms in National Health Insurance Fund and Federal Ministry of Health NHIF FMOH Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Sudan Implementation support for Decentralized Health Systems and financing reforms at sub national levels in selected states Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Sudan Capacity building of Public Health Institute PHI to conduct relevant health economics and financing courses and implementation support for family health policy Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Sudan Strengthening provider purchaser mechanisms through appropriate institutional and financing reforms Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Implementation of selected Public Financial Management PFM recommendations from the review workshop Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Development of basic Enterprise Resource Planning and Management ERPM system for NHIF to integrate health services coverage and financing system Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Strengthening IT infrastructure in NHIF to replace paper based information systems to automated systems Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Support to EU funded organizations in building their capacities to expand social health insurance coverage and accreditation mechanisms Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Establishment of Project Advisory Committee PAC to review and advice UHC implementation in selected states Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Sudan Implementation support for DHIS phase 2 Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Sudan Strengthening of National Health Research and Ethics Committee Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Sudan Strengthening of Sudan Health Observatory SHO Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Sudan Implementation support for community mapping to review current situation and arrangements in communities to identify working modalities Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Sudan Strengthening of Effective Development Cooperation EDC support to Health Partners Forum At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Sudan Implementation support for Legislative Assessment At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Sudan Provide support to conduct health facility mapping and assessment PHC hospitals including readiness of emergency departments and imporvement plans development and roll out Support implementation of the roadmap to improve the Emergency Health Care System.
Conduct health facility mapping
Sudan Support to develop a roadmap for implementation of national health financing policy TA to support development of health care costing and pricing framework and criteria.
Support to develop a road for successful implementation of the National Health Financing Policy.
TA to enforce implementation of HFP in selected states with relevant partners and stakeholders.
Support to conduct actuarial studies for NHIF Sudan.
TA to revise and update the National Health Financing Policy and strategy.
TA to support conduct assessment of the private sector sector.
Sudan Provide support to evaluate the impact of the differet components of Sudan s PHC expansion programme and support strengthening its functional capacity Conduct assessment of the PHC Expansion Program and Health Services Mapping to identify gaps in services and capacities to inform implementation of the newly developed UHC Essential Benefit Package
Sudan Support to develop new provider payment methods to move from passive to strategic purchasing Develop new provide payment methods with different set of incentives appropriate for each level of care.
TA to evaluate current provider payment methods.
Establish electronic system to track data analytics and claim management process.
TA to roll out provider payment mechanisms in 5 states out of 18 states.
Build capacities of both NHIF and FMoH on strategic purchasing of health care services.


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Sudan Review the current community based approaches and develop integrated community models towards having resilient community and health systems TA to review the current community-based approaches.
Institutionalize community health dialogues.

Sudan Enhanced coordination and alignment of nursing education and training across health and education sectors Support the establishment of a functional coordination mechanism between the departments of education development in faculties of nursing (Ministry of Higher Education), and Academies of Health Sciences.
Develop and implement a process of skills transfer to address identified gaps.
Carry out a capacity assessment of education development departments in faculties of nursing in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education.
Improve access to knowledge through providing books, references and online access for Faculties of Nursing.

Issues exist
Sudan Support the implementation of the Family Health Policy inline with UHC framework Provide TA to support Sudan's Family Health Program
Sudan Support operationalization of the Humanitarian Development and Peace Nexus HDPNx and health to peace approachs in Sudan health sector Support operationalization of the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus (HDPNx) and health to peace approachs in Sudan health sector
Sudan National Strategic Plan on Human Resources for Health 2030 developed based on inter sectoral and tri partite dialogue and strengthened capacity for health labour market analysis Carry out HRH projections.
Establish a platform for inter-sectorial and tripartite dialogue as part of the process, through the support of ILO.
Carry out a Health Labour Market Analysis, and detailed report with recommendations, on selected policy options.
Provide technical assistance to develop a National Strategic Plan on HRH 2030, based on a foundation of inter-sectoral and tripartite dialogue, the Global strategy on human resources for health: Workforce 2030.

Sudan Strengthen the existing multi sectoral programme on Health in All Policies HiAPs to address Social Determinants of Health Support the HiAPs programme improvement and roll out at sub-national levels.

Sudan Strengthen the capacities of the health information system for the implementation of census demographic and health surveys civil registration system and health expenditure surveys TA to improve the capacities of the health information system
Sudan Promote people centred approach for health service delivery for all non communicable diseases and mental health TA to promote people centred approach for health service delivery for all non-communicable diseases and mental health

Sudan Provide support to review the progress made in the implementation of the integration approach and develop a strategy to fast track its implementation Provide support to review the progress made in the implementation of the integration approach and develop a strategy to fast track its implementation
Sudan Support the planning function at FMOH with regular technical assistance to help in a comprehensive plan budget monitoring mechanism and one report at national state and locality and facility levels Provide support to improve working environment.
Embedded TA.
Training on strategic planning.
Capacity building on strategic planning, and leadership

On track
Sudan Enhance Accountability in health system and support the legal reform to address the legal barierrer to health Technical support to organize the Joint Annual Review and the One M&E Report.
Advocacy workshops/seminars to support legal reform.
Conduct Accountability assessment.
Finalize the Accountability framework
TA to conduct legal review

Sudan Enhance the progress on partnerships and Effective Developmenrt Cooperation in Sudan health sector Support to revise and update the national health Compact inline with UHC2030 global Compact, NHP, NHSSP, New Ways of Working (Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus) and other national priorities and support monitoring the implementation. Sudan's profile of Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus was developed in collaboration with the Regional Office.
Support to enhance the coordination mechanisms of the health sector to ensure effective involvement of health partners in the development, review and implementation of health policies and strategies.
Support was provided to activate Health Partners Coordination Forum. A partners mapping has started to provide data on alignment and harmonization between partners.
Agreement has been made with Graduate Institute in Geneva to design and deliver a tailored course on global health diplomacy for FMOH and other government entities in addition to key partners. The training will be organized in February 2022.
Provide support to the development and role out of electronic tracking system for partners programs and resources.
TA to develop public-private partnership roadmap that includes a framework for engaging the private sector in the health system is under process.

Sudan Support the implementation of Sudan HRH initiative aspects of regulation and medical education TA to support development of Sudan's Human Resources for Health Strategic Framework 2030: The first draft of the HRH strategic framework has been developed in consultation with key HRH stakeholders. An international consultation was recruited to finalize the framework.
TA to strengthen HRH Information System and produce National Health Workforce Account: National consultant was recruited. Data collection completed. The National HRH Workforce Account is being developed.
Support was provided to Academy of Health Sciences in FMOH through development of a platform for E-Learning.
Sudan Support to development and roll out of a roadmap for implementation of national health financing policy Support to revise the National Health Financing Policy 2016.
TA to develop a road for successful implementation of the National Health Financing Policy (including the successful transition of NHIF towards a single purchaser system)
Provider Payment Mechanisms were developed together with the UHC Essential Benefit Package with full involvement of FMOH and National Health Insurance Fund ((NHIF). The training of NHIF and MOH staff at national and other three states were completed.

Sudan Provide support to design and implement a comprehensive PHC oriented Model of Care in selected states and localities as part of the phased approach for NHP HiPs HDPN health financing decentralized health system integrated service delivery IMI - Design the PHC-oriented Model of Care (MoC)
- Provide TA to support implementation of the MoC
- Support development of the Delivery Plan (Theory of Cahnge and Imact measurement framework)
Sudan Strengthen the capacities of the Decentralized Health System to ensure equity and efficiency in health system in line with SDGs and Leaving no one behind agenda - TA to develop curriculum for training in building Resilient Local Health System
- Capacity building of staff in the Resilient Local Health System


Sudan: Community dialogues pave the way to health and peace