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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Guinea Bissau Support development of the National Health Policy 2017 Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Guinea Bissau Support development of the National Health Development Plan III 2018 2022 PNDSIII Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Guinea Bissau Undertake a workshop on health employment and economic growth and validate the regional action plan and country priority activities Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Guinea Bissau Support the monitoring and implementation of the research results committee to improve health information capacity Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Guinea Bissau Institutionalization of National Health Accounts Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Guinea Bissau Provide technical support and collaboration among development partners for various fields of work i e human rights gender et c Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Guinea Bissau Provide technical support to the National Directorate of Universal Health Coverage UHC Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Guinea Bissau Participation at the Directors of Policy and Planning Meeting on health systems development for UHC and sustainable development goals SDGs Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Guinea Bissau Support the General Directorate of Health Systems Administration GDHSA in MoPH to establish strengthen the coordination mechanisms At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Guinea Bissau Support Ministry of Public Health MoPH on developing National Health Development Plan III PNDSIII 2018 2022 including costing M E framework and operational plan PNDSIII – 2018 – 2022 costed and approved by steering committee; Costing report in Portuguese version developed and available.
Guinea Bissau Development of National Compact UHC2030 National Compact UHC2030 draft zero under development
Guinea Bissau Support realization of Joint Assessment of National Strategy JANS ToRs for international consultant and activity developed
Guinea Bissau Support MoPH on implementation of PNDSIII 2018 2022 Technical officer responsible for the Planning, M&E Unit designated
Reporting template for the PNDSIII 2018-2022 developed
Guinea Bissau Update essential package of care Technical meetings convened
Guinea Bissau Support MoPH to develop national HRH policy New Director of Human Resources Service and Administration appointed; Director of Human Resources Service and Administration trained on National Health Workforce Account;
Guinea Bissau Support implementation of Service Availability and Rediness Assessment SARA meeting conveined to develop investement case
Guinea Bissau Support realization of Joint annual Review JAR will be reported during CCSS 2nd meeting MoH to conduct the JAR in 2018.
Guinea Bissau Support MoPH on National Health Accounts NHA annual exercise NHA – 2011 report disseminated; NHA – 2015-2017 exercise launched;.
Guinea Bissau Suppport advanced training on health financing for Universal Health Coverage Two persons trained on health financing for Universal Health Coverage
Guinea Bissau Support MoPH GDHSA to establish strengthen the coordination mechanisms Donors and partners projects for health aligned with National Plan “Terra Ranka”, Health Sector Plan and regional and global agreements (Agenda 2063, SDG, Samoa Roadmap etc)gs.
Guinea Bissau Support the operationalization of Health Sector Coordinating Committee CCSS Health Summit Three health partners coordination meetings conducted
Guinea Bissau Improve health information capacity in Guinea Bissau Country enabled with tools and information to improve planning, M&E processes of health interventions
Guinea Bissau Funding mobilization to support the implementation of PNDSIII 3,750,000 USD GAVI grant for HSS approved;
23,486,174 USD GAVI grant for Comprehensive Multiyear Plan (cMYP) approved;
25,000,000 USD World Bank Project approved;
Guinea Bissau Improve service delivery Report of the workshop with recommendations produced;
Guinea Bissau Support implementation of Service Availability and Rediness Assessment SARA Meetings convened


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Guinea Bissau Les partenaires coordonnes et informes Developper la loi de base sur la Couverture Universelle de Sante
Guinea Bissau Leadership Le role de leadership renforce Le role de leadership renforce
Guinea Bissau Gestion inform La gestion de l information pour la prise de decisions renforcee La gestion de l'information pour la prise de decisions renforcee