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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Bahamas Conduct a comprehensive digital mapping of health service delivery networks of health and allied health professionals including mental health identifying workforce shortages Digital mapping of health care facilities (including services and HRH) in the public and private sectors. Work done jointly between the departments of Health Systems and Services and Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health.


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Bahamas Conduct a comprehensive workforce assessment to identify capacity gaps Phase 1 of the HRH assessment is complete. A stakeholders workshop was conducted to share results thus far. Dalhousie University, a WHO collaborating center is supporting this work.
On track
Bahamas Support the development of a national HRH Policy and Plan of Action Ongoing
Bahamas Resolutive capacity of the first level of care increased and integrated within health services networks Support the development of the National Health Strategic Plan and partners consultation Support the development of a roadmap for the reorganiza A health sector reform is in progress led by the MOHW. A Transformation Management Office (TMO) has been established to support the design and implementation of the health reform.
On track
Bahamas Improved health promotion prevention and management of communicable diseases NCDs and mental health at the first level of care - Training of a total of 128 doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab technicians, patient care assistants, medical records clerks, and radiology technicians trained across 4 family islands in the HEARTS protocols for managing hypertension in primary care.
- A 4-day workshop on surveillance techniques and vector control of public health importance in The Bahamas was conducted. 34 Environmental Health and Vector Control Officers were trained.
On track
Bahamas Coordination and continuity of care integrated through IS4H across the health system and among the different levels of care improved and strengthened Conduct a feasibility assessment of the national health workforce accounts (NHWA) as a health workforce information system.

On track
Bahamas Bahamas enabled to provide quality people centered mental health services based on primary health care strategies and comprehensive essential mental health service packages - Conduct stakeholder meetings for the development of the Strategic Plan for Rehabilitative Services and Assistive Technologies and support capacity building activities for strengthening of national rehabilitation services.
- Conduct training to strengthen monitoring of child development to identify and address developmental difficulties at the community level.
- Conduct an eye care service assessment and ear and hearing care situational analysis to inform the development of the national standardized treatment protocols.
On track