WHO Simulation Exercise Manual 2017

This manual provides an overview of the different simulation exercise tools and guidelines developed and used by WHO.
Available at: http://www.who.int/ihr/publications/WHO-WHE-CPI-2017.10/en/

Simulation exercises have been identified as a key component in the validation of core capacities under the IHR monitoring and evaluation framework (2016)1, which was noted by the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly2. Simulation exercises, along with After Action Reviews (AAR), represent the functional assessment of capacities and complement the self-assessments (Annual Reporting), independent reviews, and external evaluations (Joint External Evaluation (JEE)). They play a key role in identifying the strengths and gaps in the development and implementation of preparedness and response measures. A simulation exercise is a form of practice, training, monitoring or evaluation of capabilities involving the description or simulation of an emergency, to which a described or simulated response is made.

Publication date: 
Thursday, May 18, 2017