Update on Japan earthquake and nuclear energy plant event - 19 March 2011

Update on Japan earthquake and nuclear energy plant event - 19 March 2011
Daily situation updates are available on the WHO home page: www.who.int

Further to the note published on 15 March (please see item below), and in response to  public concern, WHO has posted Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) on its web site about the current risk of radiation in Japan:  www.who.int/hac/crises/jpn/faqs/en/index.html

These FAQs, updated regularly, answer questions on travel advice, radiation-related health concerns, public health actions, personal protective measures, food safety, and WHO's role in nuclear emergencies.

Further information and daily situation updates and press releases also are available on the websites of:

 International Civil Aviation Organization: http://www2.icao.int/en/newsroom/default.aspx

International Atomic Energy Agency - http://www.iaea.org/index.html 


Publication date: 
Saturday, March 19, 2011