New WHO Collaborative Centre for IHR - Points of Entry in Greece (University of Thessaly)

In February 2014, WHO has designated the University of Thessaly (UTH) as a WHO collaboration centre in order to have their support in training activities related to ship inspections and management of public health events at points of entry by helping WHO in the establishment and maintenance of a roster of experts-trainers. The UTH will also assist WHO in training activities related to ship sanitation and event management on ships and at points of entry (ports)/ international travel and transport.
The expected benefits for this collaboration are:
•  Strengthening of the expertise and capacity of the region in the field of ship sanitation and port health;
•  Supporting of the international cooperation within the European Region and with other Regions;
•  Supporting countries to develop/maintain core capacities at point of entry, specifically in regards to trained personnel;
• Highly qualified experts from all around the world will support WHO is suggesting trainers to participate in training courses organized by State Parties. Trainers will communicate through the PAGNET, exchanging knowledge and expertise. WHO will support State Parties and core capacities will be developed/ strengthened-maintained specifically in regards to available trained personnel at the points of entry;
•  Raising awareness, clarification of roles and responsibilities, identification of needs within the European Region and with other Regions;
•  Support to State Parties in relation to preparedness and application of public health measures on ships and at ports.

More information on the WHO Collaborating Centres can be found at:

Publication date: 
Tuesday, July 22, 2014