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Monitoring guidelines


Guidelines for tobacco control monitoring

This page presents a collection of guidelines providing technical assistance and useful information sources for implementing, evaluating and monitoring tobacco control programs and policies.

These guidelines are intended to benefit national and regional tobacco programs by outlining common frameworks for tobacco control monitoring, presenting case studies and drawing on existing research.


General guidelines

WHO: Guidelines for controlling and monitoring the tobacco epidemic (1998)
One of the first comprehensive guides for implementing and managing tobacco control policies and programmes


Thematic guidelines

WHO FCTC: Guide for WHO FCTC Parties on including SDG Target 3.a in voluntary national reviews (2021)
A guide to support Parties to include reporting on the implementation of the Target 3.a (Strengthen implementation of the WHO FCTC in all countries, as appropriate) in their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

IARC: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Smoke-free Policies (2008)
A handbook providing support on designing smoke-free legislation by reviewing evidence from research

CDC: Evaluation of smoke-free policies (2008)
A toolkit providing advice on assessing impacts of smoke-free laws and regulations


Evaluation guidelines

IARC: Methods for Evaluating Tobacco Control Policies (2008)
A guide for assessing the effects of tobacco control interventions

CDC: Introduction to Process Evaluation in Tobacco Use Prevention and Control (2008)
A manual serving as technical assistance for evaluating tobacco use prevention and control programs

CDC: Developing an evaluation plan (2011)
A workbook assisting in developing an evaluation plan through practical examples and exercises

CDC: Developing an evaluation report (2013)
A workbook designed to provide practical tools for writing a process evaluation report


Indicator guidelines

WHO FCTC Indicator Compendium 
The Compendium aims at facilitating access to treaty-specific indicators and their usage by Parties, developed in response to the mandate given to the Convention Secretariat by the fifth session of the Conference of the Parties (decision FCTC/COP5(11))

CDC & WHO: Key Questions from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey GATS (2011)
The Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS) Guide provides a standard set of questions on tobacco use, and key tobacco control measures

CDC: Surveillance and evaluation data resources (2014)
The CDC guide outlines general information needs and resources for a variety of tobacco surveillance and evaluation studies