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Recording of the third webinar available: monitoring of tobacco control policies - 12 November 2018


The third webinar of the Knowledge Hub’s webinar series was organised on 9 November 2018. The recording of the presentation by Dr. Geoffrey Fong (University of Waterloo) is now available for viewing on our website.

In the third webinar of the series, the focus was on monitoring of tobacco control policies. In his presentation, Dr. Fong gave an extensive summary of evaluating the Impact of FCTC Policies, and introduced some of the findings from the FCTC Impact Assessment and the ITC Project.

See more information about the upcoming webinars on the webinar program, and sign up using this link.
All recordings will be available for viewing and sharing shortly after each webinar on the presentations section of our website.

Download Dr. Fong’s presentation PDF here.

Watch the webinar recordings here:

Due to technical difficulties the first 3 minutes of this presentation have been left out. We apologise for the inconvenience.

This activity is carried out from a grant provided by the Government of Norway, through the Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), and from a grant provided by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
