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New materials to support the implementation of Article 20 - 20 February 2019


New materials to support the implementation of Article 20

The WHO FCTC Secretariat’s Knowledge Hub on Surveillance has published new materials on implementing Article 20 of the WHO FCTC as part of a project Advising Parties on the establishment of tobacco surveillance systems in line with Article 20 of the Convention, conducted in 2018.

The project was carried out from a grant provided by the Government of Norway, through the Convention Secretariat, and from a grant provided by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

The materials are especially targeted to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The new materials include:

  • a brochure of the key elements and benefits of investing in Article 20;
  • a fact sheet of the implementation of Article 20 in LMICs;
  • a fact sheet of the implementation of Article 20 in WHO regions;
  • a fact sheet of effective tobacco control monitoring, available in all UN languages; and
  • video recordings from the webinar series, with English, Spanish and French subtitles.

The fact sheets and brochures are available on the Knowledge Hub website’s materials section as downloadable PDF publications. The brochure is also available as a hard copy upon request. The webinar recordings are available for viewing in the webinar presentations.

Implementation of Article 20 by WHO regions and Parties’ income group

Two fact sheets summarize the current situation in the implementation of Article 20 by WHO regions, and by Parties’ income group.  The analysis has been carried out by the Knowledge Hub, using latest available data from Parties’ implementation reports from the 2018 WHO FCTC reporting cycle.

The fact sheets contribute to the significance of sufficient and reliable data to increase evidence-based policy-making in tobacco control. The fact sheets highlight key findings and provide resources to further assess and develop national tobacco surveillance systems.

Brochure highlights the benefits of investing in the implementation of Article 20

A new brochure highlights the key surveillance and monitoring elements under the Article 20, and the multiple benefits of investing in the implementation of Article 20.

In addition, fact sheets based on a previous brochure on effective tobacco control monitoring are now available in all six UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

The brochure and fact sheets complement each other by emphasizing different aspects of tobacco control monitoring, and can be used by Parties for reviewing the strengths, needs and gaps of the surveillance system in their national context.

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Webinar recordings to support building tobacco surveillance systems

The Knowledge Hub carried out a five-part webinar series Supporting Low- and Middle-Income Countries in the Establishment of Tobacco Surveillance Systems in Line With the Article 20 in autumn 2018. The video recordings of all the publicly available webinar presentations are now supplemented with subtitles in three different languages: English, Spanish and French.

The recordings can be viewed embedded on the Knowledge Hub’s website. To turn on the subtitles, press the “choose captions” button on the bottom right hand corner of the window.

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