Select country profiles on Development Assistance for Health including information on the main donors, trends in aid to health and other related sectors and the purpose of support against key development and health indicators.
Biggest Donors
Sector Trends
Health DA by Sectors
Development Assistance: Commitments vs Disbursements
Development Assistance for Health: Commitments vs Disbursements
Targeting Health Assistance
Donor Types
Top Ten Multilaterals (2002-2018)
Financial Arrangements
Development and Health Indicators
Selected SDG indicators (from WHO GPW13)

Biggest Donors

Who are the biggest donors of Development Assistance for Health?

This chart presents the amount of Development Assistance for Health by the largest donors in the selected country from 2017 to 2018. Select a COUNTRY above the chart to activate the visualizations on the page.

Sector Trends

What are the trends in countries receiving Development Assistance to different sectors?

This chart provides information about the disbursement of development assistance volumes, trends and sectors to the selected country since 2002.To create an interactive view, click on the sectors listed below the chart.

Health DA by Sectors

How much Development Assistance to Health do countries receive compared to other sectors?

This chart shows the relative proportion of Development Assistance allocated to health in comparison with other sectors in the selected country. To create an interactive view, select a time period between 2002 to 2018.

Development Assistance: Commitments vs Disbursements

How much Development Assistance is committed versus disbursed in countries?

This chart compares Development Assistance commitments and disbursements made to the selected country. To create an interactive view, click on USD Commitment or USD Disbursement listed below the chart.

Development Assistance for Health: Commitments vs Disbursements

How much Development Assistance for Health is committed versus disbursed in countries?

This chart compares Development Assistance for Health commitments and disbursements made to the selected country. To create an interactive view, click on USD Commitment or USD Disbursement listed below the chart.

Targeting Health Assistance

What purposes is Development Assistance for Health targeted in countries?

This chart shows the relative proportion of Development Assistance for Health to different health purposes the selected country. To create an interactive view, select a time period between 2002 to 2018.

Donor Types

How has different groups of donors contributed to Development Assistance for Health volumes over time?

This chart shows trends in Development Assistance for Health (DAH) disbursements in the selected country by Bilateral, Multilateral and Private donors. To create an interactive view, click on Private, Bilateral or Multilateral bellow the chart.

Top Ten Multilaterals (2002-2018)

Financial Arrangements

What are the different financial arrangements used by donors to promote and support health development?

This chart highlights different types of financial arrangements that are used in the selected countryto support health development. They include grants, concessional loans, private development finance and equity investments. Select the different years to have an interactive view of how financial arrangements have been used between 2002 to 2018.

Development and Health Indicators

What is the overall development context in countries receiving Development Assistance for Health?

This chart presents selected World Bank Health and Health relevant development indicators against those of other countries included in the FWTW report.

Selected SDG indicators (from WHO GPW13)

How are SDGs related country indicators (upon which WHO is going to focus its efforts) evolving?

This chart presents a set of country's SDGs Health and Health related indicators and compares them with those of the other countries included in the FWTW report.