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View WHO Country Profile

Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Zimbabwe In service orientation of health workers on the Code of Ethics Orinatation of health workers on the Code of Ethics
Zimbabwe In service orientation of health workers on the Patients Charter Orinatation of health workers on the Patients Charter
Zimbabwe Building Capacity to report on National Health Workforce Accounts NHWA HRH country profile one of the key required documents for NHWA
Zimbabwe In service orientation of health workers on Patient Safety IPC and antimicrobial resistance AMR Orinatation of health workers on Patient Safety, IPC and antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Zimbabwe Strengthening Provincial and District leadership capacity using WHO Modules in Health Services management by adapting and reviewing the training instruments Adapting and review of training Instruments
Zimbabwe Strengthening Provincial and District leadership capacity using WHO Modules in Health Services management to train Provincial District Health Executives in improved health service management Training reports will be provided Strengthening Provincial and District leadership capacity using WHO Modules in Health Services management
Zimbabwe Strengthening Provincial and District leadership capacity using WHO Modules in Health Services management for PHE and DHE capacities in building resilient health systems evidenced in improved performance PHE & DHE capacitated in building resilient health systems
Zimbabwe Institutionalize Annual Reviews for overall Health Sector Performance including participatory health sector review annual reports policy briefs stakeholder forums Participatory health sector reviews
Zimbabwe Undertake an assessment of IPC practices Assessment of IPC practices
Zimbabwe Development updating an IPC strategy Strategy on IPC is developed
Zimbabwe Support implementation of the supportive supervision and IPC strategy in selected hard to reach areas this will contribute towards the 1 billion targets Supportive supervision and implementation of IPC strategy in selected hard to reach areas
Zimbabwe Support anti microbial resistance AMR surveillance based on AGISAR model in human Health laboratories AMR surveillance based on AGISAR model in human Health laboratories
Zimbabwe Support undertaking of Gonoccocal resistance surveillance study Support undertaking of Gonoccocal resistance surveillance study
Zimbabwe Build capacity to perform systematic data generation analysis and use at district level through trainings in data analysis Training of district managers in data analysis
Zimbabwe Build capacity to perform systematic data generation analysis and use at district level with the purchase of the required software Provision of required software for data analysis
Zimbabwe PHE PHE members capacitated in performing data generation analysis and use Increased capacity of PHE & PHE members to perform data generation, analysis and use
Zimbabwe Strengthen Health Information Systems focusing on integrating information into DHIS2 will involve review of data forms customization training Health information system strengthened including integration of information into DHIS2


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Zimbabwe Disaggregated GPW progress information monitored Disaggregated GPW progress information monitored
Zimbabwe Basic health service packages according to the epidemiological burden and country context refined Include NTD diagnosis and treatment in the essential service package at all levels of care
Zimbabwe National Health Policy National Health Strategy guidelines and normative tools reviewed and updated National Health Policy, National Health Strategy, guidelines and normative tools reviewed and updated.
Zimbabwe Functional National Health Observatory and Comprehensive digital health platform rolled out Functional National Health Observatory and Comprehensive digital health platform rolled out
Zimbabwe Annual studies on Public Expenditure Reviews National Health Accounts NHA and health expenditure cost tracking supported Annual studies on Public Expenditure Reviews, National Health Accounts (NHA) and health expenditure cost tracking supported
Zimbabwe Annual studies on Public Expenditure Reviews National Health Accounts NHA and health expenditure cost tracking supported Support undertaking public expenditure review
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe supported to have updated HRH Strategy National Health Workforce Accounts and Labour Force surveys Zimbabwe supported to have updated HRH Strategy; National Health Workforce Accounts and Labour Force surveys