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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Guyana Apply the UH monitoring framework to define baseline and targets Report of the baseline and targets for Universal Health in Guyana
Guyana Support the definition and implementation of a Package of Essential Health Services PEHS to improve equitable access to quality health services The national plan for implementation of explicit health benefits (Package of Essential Health Services (PEHS), drafted and costed.
Guyana Define implementation plan for the integrated health service delivery networks IHSDNS Completed
Guyana Support the development of governance structure and stewardship capacity of the Ministry of Public Health MoPH Completed
Guyana Support the development of a national health financing strategy including assessment of fiscal space for health National Health Financing Strategy drafted and discussed with Ministry of Finance.
Guyana Support the registration and control of essential medicines to improve availability of quality products including blood products Regulatory processes and framework for registration of essential medicines reviewed and adopted including the strenthening of pharmacovigilanced.
Guyana Support the selection incorporation and use of essential medicine and other health technologies through the devlopment of the Essential Medicines List Workplan for the development of the Guyana Essential Medicines List
Guyana Support the strengthening of supply chain and delivery of quality essential medicines including blood for maternal health at the point of care Completed
Guyana Support the development of national human resources plan to expand health service delivery and health benefits A national action plan for HRH following the 3 strategic lines defined by the PAHO’s plan of action drafted
Guyana Support the development of the Situationa Analysis for a Human Resource for Health Strategic Plan and Action Plan Situation analysis on human resources for health (completed)
Guyana Develop Mortality and Morbidity Profile 2016 2017 Report of the coding and analysis of the 2016 and 2017 morbidity and mortality data for Guyana (completed)
Guyana Conduct ICD 10 Training for Physicians to accurately fill Death Registration Forms Capacity building conducted in ICD 10 Training for Physicians to accurately fill Death Registration Forms for Regions 2, 6 and 10 (completed)
Guyana Conduct Stakeholders Consultation for the Review of Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance Pharmacy Practitioner s Act Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act and Regulations Recommendations for the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, Pharmacy Practitioner’s Act, Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act and Regulations
Guyana Conduct Stakeholders Consultation for the Review of Nurses and Midwives Bill Recommendations to update the Nurses and Midwives Bill
Guyana Sensitize national stakeholders to the framework and processes of the developing and implementing a National eHealth Strategy using the WHO ITU National eHealth Strategy Toolkit A short-term workplan for activities to prepare for the strategic planning process, and a roadmap of activities for developing the National eHealth Strategy. (completed)
Guyana Conduct a Review of Guyana s Prevention of the Mother To Child Transmission PMTCT Programme Preparedness for Regional Validation for MTCT and Congenital Syphilis Plan of Action developed for Guyana's Prevention of the Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programme Preparedness for Regional Validation for MTCT and Congenital Syphilis (completed)
Guyana Evaluate the implementation of the National Health Strategy for Guyana Health Vision 2020 Report on the first two phases of the Evaluation, that includes Planning and Conducting the Evaluation
Guyana Develop the Strategic Plan for the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation Mid-term report that includes the 2019-2024 external environmental scan and internal environmental analysis as well as the draft strategic map that includes the external internal analysis, future position of GPHC and the key strategic imperatives using the balance score card framework
Guyana Build capacity on Maternal Mortality Estimates in the Countries of the Americas through attendance at a Regional Workshop Cartagena Columbia Duty Travel Report of the Maternal Mortality Estimates in the Countries of the Americas at a Regional Workshop, Cartagena, Columbia
Guyana Conduct a study tour to review the Maternity Waiting Homes and discuss experiences and best practices in Nicaragua Duty Travel Report of the study tour to review the Maternity Waiting Homes and discuss experiences and best practices in Nicaragua
Guyana Build capacity in regional MMR Activities and the electronic Perinatal Information System for implementation in Guyana The electronic Perinatal Information System for implementation in Guyana
Guyana Conduct Community Engagements for the development of the Traditional Birth Attendants Policy in Regions 1 and 9 Draft Policy for the role of Traditional Birth Attendants in Maternal Child Care
Guyana Conduct capacity building for identifying Maternal Near Miss in three Regions Capacity building for identifying Maternal Near Miss in Regions 5, 9 and 10
Guyana Conduct capacity building for Zero Maternal Deaths from Haemorrhage as well as capacity building for the use of non pneumatic anti shock garments as well as sensitization and assessment for the Implementation of the electronic Perinatal Information Capacity building for Zero Maternal Deaths from Haemorrhage as well as capacity building for the use of non-pneumatic anti-shock garments, as well as sensitization and assessment for the implementation of the electronic Perinatal Information System in Regions 5, 9 and 10.
Guyana Develop the Annual Health Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2013 2016 Annual Health Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2013-2016 (completed)
Guyana Develop a Feasibility Study for the Guyana Health Information Systems Report of the Feasibility Study (completed)
Guyana Conduct a Situation Assessment of Rehabilitation in Guyana utilizing the WHO Standard Assessment of Rehabilitation Systems Report of the State of Rehabilitation in Guyana utilizing the WHO Standard Assessment of Rehabilitation Systems
Guyana Conduct Logistics Management Information System LMIS capacity building in Regions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 Logistics Management Information System capacity building were conducted in Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
Guyana Conduct assessment of the availability of Maternal Tracer Medications in Regions 2 3 4 5 6 and 10 Assessment of the availability of Maternal Tracer Medications were conducted in Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10
Guyana Conduct LMIS Supervisory Visits in Region 1 LMIS Supervisory Visits were conducted in Region 1 in 21 Healthcare Facilities
Guyana Conduct Prosthetics Consultancy to build capacity and provide fittings for 25 persons at the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Center utilizing a multidisciplinary approach Report of Prosthetics Consultancy to build capacity and provide fittings for 25 persons at the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Center utilizing a multidisciplinary approach
Guyana Conduct a Measurement and Evaluation Workshop for University of Guyana Professors Report on the Measurement and Evaluation Workshop for University of Guyana Professors (conpleted)


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Guyana Strengthening MOH capacities for the implementation of essential public health functions 1. Report of the EPHF for Guyana
2. Costed plan of Action for Improvement
Needs update
Guyana Implementation of HRH plan of action in Caribbean countries according to the needs of the programs for each type of health professional HRH country profile using disaggregated data to support workforce planning and strategic decision making
Needs update
Guyana Implementation of Health Financing policies strategies and action plans 1. Health finance strategy
2. Health finance costed implementation plan towards UHC
Not started
Guyana Support the Strengthening of Sub regional regulatory capacities Legislation on Food and Drug Act/Regulations that include the Regulatory Frameworks Module in WHO Global Benchmarking Tool for Reference
Needs update
Guyana Demand analysis for tobacco and SSB Conduct four demand analysis for tobacco or sugar sweetened beverages
Guyana Implementation of the Monitoring Framework for Universal Health given priority to the generation and analysis of NMH related indicators Conduct analysis of hospitalizatioons amenable to ambulatory care
Guyana Strengthening resolution capacity of the service delivery network with priority focus on first level of care to respond to priority NCDs Mental Health and other conditions Conduct the assessment of essential conditions of health facilities and network levels to provide comprehensive services including for NCDs
Guyana Implement diabetes and hypertension control interventions in primary care and facilitate exchange of information and experiences Implement HEARTS package (protocol develeopment, train providers and conduct monitor and evaluation); develop self management materials; promote best practices and share lessons learned through workshops
Guyana Breast and cervical cancer control including palliative care Develop protocol, conduct training of providers, procure equipment and supplies, conduct monitor and evaluation for quality of care procedure and exchange experiences and lessons through regional workshops