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Product/Service Deliverables Status
Tajikistan Channelling evidence to policy dialogue at the Joint Annual Review JAR 2017 Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Tajikistan UHC monitoring matrix to track UHC progress in Tajikistan finalized and approved Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Tajikistan Costed plan for an institutionalized approach to UHC monitoring matrix 2016 2026 finalized and approved Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Tajikistan The arrangements to implement the UHC monitoring matrix defined Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Tajikistan Capacity building on implementation of the UHC monitoring process including on the job training provided Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Tajikistan Policy options to revise the State Guarantee Benefit Package SGBP proposed Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Tajikistan Support the establishment of the Health Financing Unit under the State Budget Department of the Ministry Finance Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Tajikistan Training program on UHC developed and carried on at the national level Countries receiving HF support will have implemented financing reforms to facilitate UC
Tajikistan Analytical work on access and use of health services initiated Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Tajikistan Thematic policy note about policy option for a more pro poor benefit design developed Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Tajikistan Policy dialogue and consensus building around UHC activities proposed under the Partnership carried out At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Tajikistan Channeling evidence to policy dialogue at the Joint Annual Review JAR 2018 is done Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Tajikistan Capacity building on implementation UHC monitoring process including on the job training provided Countries will have put in place expertise, monitoring and evaluation systems and annual health sector reviews
Tajikistan Analytical work on access and use of health services initiated Accurate, up-to-date evidence on what works and what does not work regarding health financing reforms for universal coverage is available and shared across countries
Tajikistan Policy dialogue and consensus building around UHC activities proposed under the Partnership carried out At country level, alignment and harmonization of health aid according to national health plans is consolidated and accelerated
Tajikistan Provision of technical assistance in development of a new health strategy 2021 2030 1) National Health Strategy 2020 review report is finalized and published.
2) Concept for NHS 2030 governance process, ToRs for governing bodies, Operational Plan and budget developed
3) Technical assistance to TTWs on development of respective chapters of NHS2030 provided
4) Two policy dialog meetings conducted to agree on a Concept for health and well-being until 2030 and the final draft of the strategy

Tajikistan Improving the targeting of public funds through efficient allocation of public funds and strategic purchasing though provision of technical support to the Inter ministerial expert Group of the Ministry of Finance 1) Analytical reports with policy recommendations to revise the legislative base;
2) Analytical reports with policy recommendations to deploy pooling, strategic purchasing, benefit package etc.;
3) Round tables
4) Policy briefs/notes

Tajikistan Strengthening PHC to improve access to quality people centred health services Capacity building for better PHC-related outcomes
Tajikistan Strengthen the strategic collaboration of health development partners in Tajikistan Strengthened Development Coordination Council health and its subgroups;
Co-organization of one meeting per month and updated ToR;
Co-organization of bi-monthly subgroup meetings and joint policy dialogues;
Jointly organized high-level policy dialogues, several workshops, seminars, and meetings.
Tajikistan WHO leadership in strengthening coordination in support of national efforts to accelerate progress toward the health related SDGs among government multilateral organizations and other development partners Strengthening the national system for monitoring and evaluating SDG indicators;
Health development sector mapping and analysis exercise;
Alignment of several ongoing and planned partnerships in TJK to create a common vision, potential collaboration opportunities, and better coordination platform for MOH.
Joint policy dialogues for further coordination and advancing technical work in Tajikistan;
Strategic dialogue on improving coordination.


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Tajikistan Policy advice and technical assistance in strengthening national health workforce Support measures to improve the capacity and capability to implement HRH planning including with the application of the principles of NHWA and the LMF
Tajikistan Comprehensive health financing under UHC P full mode and capacity building through BAR course Build the national capacity providing tailored tools and trainings.
National Health accounts: Support to produce and institutionalize health accounts into routine health information system.
Policy dialogue and analysis work for health financing.
Support the national health financing working group.

Tajikistan PHC services improvement Supporting the new national PHC development plan by addressing key bottlenecks and priorities in the service delivery system and strengthening partner commitment and coordination;
Supporting the planning of a new improved model of PHC "District of Excellence" in one of the regions of the country to select a district, conduct an in-depth analysis, identify gaps, shortcomings (in terms of financing, staffing, infrastructure, equipment, etc.) and, together with partners, address them;
Organization of second study visit to WHO PHC Demo Platform in Kazakhstan;
Capacity building of the MOH staff and local specialists on PHC strengthening efforts;
Improving PHC reporting forms and creating an information system related to health financing reform.
On track
Tajikistan Comprehensive health financing policy support to large scale UHC reforms Strengthening the Basic Benefit package at the national level;
Establishment of the purchasing and contracting mechanisms in the Sughd oblast;
Creation of political dialogue and consensus on mandatory health insurance in the country;
Organization of a high-level policy dialogue and a high-level forum on benefit package design, and the third national health governance and financing workshop;
Technical support to MOHSPP and MOF on the evidence on the importance and potential spending on drug reimbursement programme.
On track
Tajikistan Support capacity building in countries for translating evidence into policy and practice through awareness raising training and establishing knowledge translation mechanisms e g country specific policy briefs evidence Сonducting analytical work on almost all building blocks of health system to provide evidence-based recommendations for changing health policy;
Capacity building of several health policy makers and officials from different profiles of the health system;
Several WHO technical products or other advocacy materials targeting the Ministry of Health and key development partners.
On track
Tajikistan Media relations and marketing of WHO s identity at the country level strengthened including launching and evaluation of World Health Days and events Database of all visibility materials, including photos and videos, on WHO work and health topics;
Organization and promotion of World Health Day event with great visibility potential;
Development of a set of branding materials for WHO country office's health system activities.
On track
Tajikistan Support countries in developing National Health Workforce Strategies based on previous HWF assessments or Health Labour Market Analysis Support measures to improve the capacity and capability to implement HRH planning including with the application of the principles of NHWA and the LMF;
Support development of a health labor market analysis;
Organization of a high-level policy dialogue on Human Resources for Health.
On track


Primary health care in Tajikistan