Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) - Training Tools

Emergencies and compiling and cascading risks worldwide indicate a marked need for further guidance and support training programmes on MHPSS throughout the preparedness, prevention actions, response and recovery phase. 

  • OpenWHO: Introducing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in emergencies. WHO developed an online orientation course to strengthen the competencies of health sector actors working in emergencies to establish, support and scale up Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in countries. 

  • Technical Note Linking DRR and MHPSS: Practical Tools, Approaches and Case Studies’ The IASC published this note to provide global guidance on integrating MHPSS and DRR. The note outlines key actions to promote MHPSS preparedness prior to emergencies and reduce risks to mental health and psychosocial well-being through risk reduction and management. 

  • MHPSS Minimum Services Package (MHPSS MSP): The MHPSS MSP is a resource for humanitarian actors and outlines a set of MHPSS activities that are considered to be the highest priority in meeting the immediate critical needs of emergency-affected populations, based on existing guidelines, available evidence and expert consensus. The MHPSS MSP has been field tested in five countries experiencing humanitarian crises and is being implemented in many others. The use of MHPSS MSP is expected to lead to better-coordinated, more predictable and more equitable responses that make effective use of limited resources and thus improve the scale and quality of programming.

  • "READY: Preparedness for timely and effective mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings" (coming soon). The "READY" is currently in development and will be a training package to scale up MHPSS and DRR integration within humanitarian agencies and at the country-level. The training package will consist of 5 days, including three days of orientation and capacity building and 2 days of the simulation exercise.