
Chapter 2.5 Identifying and engaging high-risk groups in disaster research

Identifying high-risk groups and engaging them in Health EDRM research is a challenge. Understanding how to identify and support these groups can help researchers to deliver reliable evidence for decision-makers.

Chapter 2.5 presents a concise literature review, with information from high-, middle- and low-income countries, to provide guidance for conducting inclusive and ethically responsible research that includes people from high-risk groups. It describes high-risk populations and the common factors that may increase vulnerability. These include age-related factors, gender and sexual identities, and pre-existing chronic conditions.

Chapter 2.5 describes how to identify and support high-risk groups in disaster research through:

  1. Describing high-risk groups in the community.
  2. Addressing barriers to inclusion through strategies for sampling, recruitment and data collection.
  3. Engaging co-researchers or community advisors within the population of interest to ensure inclusive, ethically responsible research processes, and valid findings.

Authors: Newnham EA, Ho JY, Chan EYY.