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Chapter 2.2 Measuring the health impacts of disasters

Chapter 2.2 covers the following key factors relating to measuring the health impacts of disasters:

  1. The importance and relevance of measuring the health impacts of disasters.
  2. The variety of indicators that characterize the health impacts and risks of emergencies and disasters.
  3. Systems and methodologies that can be used to measure health impacts.
  4. Challenges and issues in measuring the health impacts of disasters.
  5. Strategies to cope with these issues.

What is this chapter about?

Measuring the health impacts of disasters is a challenge. Indicators and systems are available to help decision-makers characterize the health impacts and risks of emergencies and disasters.

This chapter describes common health indicators used to quantify sudden-impact health impacts from disasters caused by natural hazards.  It describes surveillance systems that can be used in health emergency and disaster risk management, including the Surveillance in Post-Extreme Emergencies and Disasters (SPEED) programme in the Philippines. 

Case study presented in the chapter:

New technologies to detect and track outbreaks: Early Warning, Alert and Response System in Bangladesh.


Authors: Law R.