Health Emergencies and Disaster Risk Management (Health EDRM) Research and Knowledge Hub

Evidence should be useful, usable, and used. Evidence and knowledge from research and experience plays a vital role for developing and implementing evidence-informed policies and programmes in the field of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health EDRM) [1].

The WHO Knowledge Hubs for Health EDRM are online information-sharing platforms for providing up-to-date Health EDRM related evidence and knowledge to strengthen Health EDRM research capacities, and translating evidence into policy and practice for a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, practitioners, and broader communities. 

The WHO Knowledge Hubs for Health EDRM include 5 Knowlegde Hubs on key research themes in Health EDRM (Research Methods for Health EDRM, Health Data Management, Mental Health & Psychosocial Support, Workforce Development) that were identified in the 2018 WHO Health EDRM expert meeting [2].

As the Secretariat of the WHO Health EDRM Research Netowrk since 2018, WHO Kobe Centre (WKC) initiatited research projects on the key research themes and developed many learning materials in various format. The WHO Knowledge Hubs for Health EDRM share the research evidence and resources that have been collected and created through these activities.


Knowledge Hubs on 5 Key Themes


Research Methods for Health EDRM

Health Data Management

Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) 

Community Disaster Risk Management including Disaster Risk Literacy and  Addressing the Needs of Subpopulations

Workforce Development 




[1] Nomura S, Kayano R, Egawa S, Harada N, Koido Y. Expected Scopes of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health EDRM): Report on the Expert Workshop at the Annual Conference for the Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(9):4447.

[2] Kayano R, Chan EY, Murray V, Abrahams J, Barber SL. WHO Thematic Platform for Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Research Network (TPRN): Report of the Kobe Expert Meeting. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2019, 16, 1232.

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