Tenth Anniversary of the entry into force of the IHR (2005)
15 June 2017 marked the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the IHR (2005). On this occasion, the Weekly Epidemiological Record is publishing a series of articles on the Regulations’ contribution to global public health security.”
More items on the IHR - www.who.int/ihr/en/
Part 1: Habemus “IHR”: a short history of the Regulations and their renewal ( http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/255669/1/WER9223-321-323.pdf?ua=1 )
Part 2: Practicum: implementing the “new” IHR (p.534) ( http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/258910/1/WER9236.pdf?ua=1 )
Publication date:
星期四, 十月 19, 2017