Mission and Objectives

PAGnet is a web-based network that brings together public health officials responsible for port health and key partners to coordinate public health activities at ports, airports and ground crossings (PAG) including preparedness for and response to health emergencies affecting international travel and transport



PAGnet aims to contribute towards protecting the health of populations and the prevention, detection and control of international spread of disease and its agents through international travel and transport.




Specific objectives of PAGnet are to:

  1. tap technical expertise of partners and achieve synergy regarding public health activities at ports, airports and ground crossings and related to international travel and transport;
  2. promote harmonized technical guidance and instruments for global public health capacity building;
  3. improve specific capacities to meet the International Health Regulations (IHR [2005]) requirements and facilitate IHR implementation at PAG;
  4. coordinate planning for and facilitate sharing of experience related to response to public health emergencies of international concern; and
  5. facilitate international, intersectoral collaboration to advance scientific knowledge in the field of public health and international travel and transport.