WHO MiNDbank is an online platform providing quick and easy access to international resources and national/regional level policies, strategies, laws and service standards for mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, NCDs, human rights, development, children and youth, and older persons Read more...
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How to Support WHO MiNDbank
As a collaborative project, WHO MiNDbank is dependent on the financial and in-kind contributions from organisations and individuals around the world. Find out more about supporting or contributing to WHO MiNDbank.
The financial support of Mr Ahmed Bin Sulayem and CBM is gratefully acknowledged.
The work of WHO MiNDbank contributors is also appreciated and valued.
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WHO MiNDbank Partners
WHO MiNDbank is a collaboration between the World Health Organization and:
- WHO Collaborating Centre on Mental Health, Disability and Human Rights, University of Nottingham
- Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy, Indian Law Society (ILS)
Key Policy and Service Resources
- WHO QualityRights guidance and training tools on mental health, human rights and recovery
- WHO Guidance on person-centred & rights-based community mental health services
- WHO QualityRights Assessment Toolkit
- WHO QualityRights module on transforming services and promoting rights
- WHO Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package
Policy, Law and Human Rights Unit, Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, WHO
- Michelle Funk, Unit Head
- Natalie Drew, Technical Officer
- Patricia Robertson, Administrative Assistant
Your comments and feedback are welcome.