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Resource Types
Resolutions and Declarations on Child & Youth (1)
Mental Health Policies (93)
Mental Health Strategies and Plans (320)
Mental Health Legislation, Regulations and Implementation Guides (521)
Mental Health Service Standards (86)
WHO Country Profiles: Mental Health in Development (WHO proMIND) (17)
WHO-AIMS Country Reports (78)
Substance Abuse Policies (46)
Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans (227)
Substance Abuse Legislation (201)
Disability Policies (91)
Disability Strategies and Plans (223)
Disability Legislation (383)
General Health Policies (169)
General Health Strategies and Plans (601)
General Health Legislation (450)
General Health Service Standards (40)
Evaluation of Policy, Law, Strategies, Plans, and Services (92)
Constitutions (271)
Human Rights Legislation (128)
Child Rights Legislation (147)
Capacity related legislation (181)
CRPD Committee Lists of Issues (61)
CRPD country reports (105)
CRPD shadow reports (66)
CRPD Committee concluding observations (54)
Development and Poverty Strategies (370)
Resolutions and Declarations on Alcohol and Substance Use (2)
Resolutions and Declarations on Disability (1)
Resolutions and Declarations on General Health (3)
Resource Topics
Suicide Prevention (143)
Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards (453)
Child and Youth General Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards (118)
Child and Youth Mental Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards (59)
Child and Youth Disability policies/plans/legislations and service standards (36)
Child and Youth Substance Abuse/Alcohol policies/plans/legislations and service standards (20)
Older Persons General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans and service standards (212)
Older Persons General Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards (59)
Older Persons Mental Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards (25)
Older Person Disability policies/plans/legislations and service standards (11)
Older Person Substance Abuse/Alcohol policies/plans/legislations and service standards (1)
Neurological disorders including dementia (88)
Intellectual disability (19)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (39)