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DPR Korea Conducts National Training on Emergency Medical Teams

WHO conducted the first DPR Korea National Training on Emergency Medical Teams on 26-28 August, in Pyongyang. 

Thirty-one participants from the Ministry of Public Health, the Health Emergency Operations Centre, the National Center for Communicable Diseases, Central Hygienic and Anti-Epidemic Institute, the emergency departments of key tertiary level hospitals and key University hospitals across the country attended the training. 

The overall aim of the workshop was to provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to engage collectively and further strengthen national and sub-national capacities in dealing with emergencies that require a national and international Emergency Medical Team (EMT) response.

DPR Korea is the 5th Member State from the South-East Asia Region, in which a national EMT training has been conducted. This is part of the implementation of the WHO South-East Asia Regional Committee Resolution71 R5 on Strengthening the EMTs in South-East Asia Region. Further activities to support member states to establish EMT capacities will be conducted in 2019 and 2020.

Original Story: http://www.searo.who.int/about/administration_structure/hse/EMT_DPRK/en/


News Date: 
Tuesday, September 3, 2019