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Indonesia: Informal Consultation on Standardization and Coordination of Emergency Medical Teams

Galvanizing the development of operational standards for EMT response, WHO Indonesia in collaboration with the Health Crisis Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia held Informal Consultation on Standardization and Coordination of Emergency Medical Teams in Jakarta, Indonesia on 11-12 April 2017. 

Dr Ian Norton from WHO’s EMT Project Leader, Geneva, introduced The Blue Book and shared the standards established in the book, such as the criteria for EMT’s types. With Dr Nilesh Buddh from WHO South East Asia Regional Office and WHO Indonesia’s Emergency Preparedness and Response team, Dr Norton generated guided discussions on standardizations and coordination of EMTs, covering aspects such as medical care and evacuation, administration procedure, logistics, per-deployment screening and training, and post-deployment process. 

Click here for the full story

News Date: 
Tuesday, January 30, 2018