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Welcome to your quarterly Age-friendly World newsletter
Welcome to the second issue of the Age-friendly World newsletter in 2023!
In April, the first ever WHO guide and living toolkit on developing national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities was released, drawing on the diverse experience of the Global Network.
Since then, we’ve seen some incredible work taking place around the world to put the guide and toolkit into action. In this issue, learn more about some of these efforts through the eyes of Global Network members and affiliates.
Can we help support the development of an age-friendly programme in your country or region? Visit the WHO guide and toolkit hub to give us feedback on what else you’d find helpful – or reach out to us by replying to this email.
In the meantime, please help us spread the word. If every country in the world established a national age-friendly programme by the end of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, we’ll be one big step closer to an age-friendly world!
GNAFCC Secretariat
World Health Organization

Affiliate in Focus: Slovene Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities

In this issue, we’re zooming in on the Slovene Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities, who have renewed their status as a Global Network affiliate. Dobrodošel nazaj!


The Slovene Network is coordinated by the Anton Trstenjak Institute of Gerontology and Intergenerational Relations. As an affiliate, they have worked tirelessly to grow the age-friendly movement at national level through advocacy and providing practical support in grounding the work of the Global Network in local contexts.


Representatives from the Slovene Network also joined WHO and fellow affiliates at the 16th IFA Global Conference on Ageing to share their experiences of how national programmes work to accelerate the age-friendly movement. Find out more about this in the next section!

Learn more about the Slovene Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities
Explore our Network affiliates

Age-friendly Practice in Focus: The International Federation on Ageing’s (IFA) Global Conferences on Ageing

Age-friendly environments has been a constant theme of IFA’s Global Conferences on Ageing, which aim to bring global perspectives and ideas on healthy ageing together to drive further change. The 16th edition held in Bangkok, Thailand from 27–30 June was no different.

Two workshops on how accelerating the age-friendly movement can deliver impact during the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing were organised by WHO with the support of Global Network members and the IFA, a Network affiliate. 

Together, we spoke to conference attendees about the importance of developing national age-friendly programmes and what we can learn from the fantastic work being done in low- and middle-income contexts. 

Summaries from the sessions are coming soon on Age-friendly World. In the meantime, check out the Global Network in action at the conference below!

Read more about the practice
Learn more about the IFA's work
Share your contributions by submitting an Age-friendly Practice

More activities from the Global Network

The Emirate of Sharjah

The Global Network is living proof of the value of exchanging knowledge across countries, cities and communities to grow the age-friendly movement.


The Emirate of Sharjah has been a leader in this area within the Eastern Mediterranean region, who most recently hosted an introductory meeting for Arab cities to learn from Sharjah’s experience and expand the Global Network’s membership in the region.


Building on this work, this year’s edition of the Sharjah Elderly Services Forum will bring together leaders from around the world who have implemented a wide range of age-friendly practices related to health and social care as well as other age-friendly domains of action. These leaders will be selected through the WHO Global Database of Age-friendly Practices.


Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, learn from each other, and inspire one another by contributing an age-friendly practice on Age-friendly World!

Learn more about the Emirate of Sharjah's work
Submit an Age-friendly Practice

Western Australia: Launching a new government strategy for older people

The Western Australian Government (WA), a Global Network affiliate, has launched its first State Seniors Strategy. The Strategy was developed through extensive consultation including with older people and is a 10-year whole of Government strategy to support older Western Australians.

The Strategy focuses on ensuring that older people in WA:

  • Thrive physically, mentally and spiritually;
  • Live in safe and age-friendly communities;
  • Stay connected and engaged; and
  • Have views that are heard.

The Strategy is accompanied by a five-year Action Plan (2023-2027) that sets out a range of actions including tackling ageism. Congratulations to WA for continuing to lead on actions to become more age-friendly during this UN Decade of Healthy Ageing!

Explore the new State Seniors Strategy and Action Plan
Learn more about Western Australia's work

Réseau francophone des villes amies des aînés (RFVAA): International exchange in Paris on 5–6 December

The RFVAA, a Global Network affiliate, is hosting their annual meeting on 5–6 December 2023 in Paris with a focus on international exchanges. 


The exchange will celebrate inspiring local initiatives from around the world as well as zoom in on the development and implementation of national and sub-national age-friendly cities and community programmes. We’re also excited to share that the next in-person meeting of Global Network affiliates will happen at the margins of this exchange!


This event will be a great opportunity to celebrate the diverse and meaningful work done by the Global Network over the last year, and to look forward to 2024 with renewed energy and commitment. Stay tuned on ways to contribute to and benefit from the conversations!

Learn more about the international exchange

Updates from the Network Secretariat

Contribute to the WHO guide and toolkit on developing national age-friendly programmes

The WHO guide on developing national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities was published with the unique support of Global Network members and affiliates.


But what’s new about the guide is that it is accompanied by a living toolkit that will keep being updated with experiences and learnings from stakeholders around the world to put the guide’s recommendations into action.


If you’ve been implementing the guide and living toolkit, we want to hear from you. Please get in touch with us by replying to this email, so we can ensure your work is included in the toolkit to benefit others around the world!

Explore the WHO guide and living toolkit on national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities

Discussing challenges and opportunities for age-friendly public spaces in African cities

To accelerate the growth of the global age-friendly movement, the WHO Secretariat are placing strong emphasis on how we can celebrate and support the work being done in low- and middle-income contexts.

The WHO Secretariat participated in a discussion hosted by the Africa Community of Practice of the International Society for Urban Health around age-friendly public spaces in African cities.

At the discussion, we learned about a diverse range of innovative practices already happening in African cities to create age-friendly environments. We’re looking forward to building on these conversations to welcome the first African member of the Global Network very soon.

Join us in learning from the conversation by watching back the webinar recording

Age-Friendly Cities and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 – A Template for Everyone

Age-friendly cities took the spotlight at a UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development side event on SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

The online event brought together global leaders to discuss how age-friendly cities are a strong investment towards delivering on the SDGs. The event was sponsored by the Stakeholder Group on Ageing and organised by Grey Panthers New York City. At the event, the WHO Secretariat spoke about the wide-ranging work being done by the Global Network in this area.

The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing is aligned with the last 10 years of the SDGs because Member States recognised that we can’t deliver on their promises without fostering healthy ageing – including through developing age-friendly environments. Global Network members, thank you for being a shining example of how local action advances global agendas!

Find out more about the event and watch the recording
About us

Age-friendly World is a World Health Organization website dedicated to promoting age-friendliness around the world. The World Health Organization Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC) is a global coalition of cities and communities committed to becoming more age-friendly. 

Submit your news on Age-friendly World or get in touch with us at gnafcc@who.int.