A High-Level Conference on Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies in Urban Areas

A high-level conference on preparedness for public health emergencies- challenges and opportunities in urban areas, was held in Lyon France, 3-4 Dec 2018. The conference provides a forum for Ministers of Health, urban leaders (mayors, governors, boards of health), national and international stakeholders from the health sector and beyond, WHO and UN organizations involved in transport and tourism including ICAO, IATA and UNWTO, to share experiences on the value of a multi-sectoral approach for effective leadership in preparedness for infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies in urban areas. Read more on http://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2018/12/03/default-calendar/challenges-and-opportunities-in-urban-areas; https://reg.unog.ch/event/25908/material/31/ 

Publication date: 
Quarta, Dezembro 5, 2018