Ports, Airports and Ground Crossings: Learning programme on ship sanitation inspection

WHO teams on Ports, Airports and Ground Crossings (PAG) and Human Resources Development and Training (HRT) have developed a blended learning programme to support the learning needs of Member States to implement learning for port health inspectors responsible for  ship inspection and issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificate under the IHR 2005.

The learning programme on Ship Sanitation Inspection is comprised of two components:
-    an eLearning course: the course requires around 15 hours of work online
-    a Face-To-Face:  designed to give learners the opportunity to recap the theoretical components of the elearning course and put their newly acquired knowledge and skills in practice through face-to-face learning activities, including group work,  simulation exercises and real ship inspections.

Languages available : English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian (soon) .

For further information, please consult this link below:

Publication date: 
الثلاثاء, أكتوبر 15, 2013