
Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Sábado, Maio 17, 2014

Eurosurveillance, Volume 19, Issue 19, 15 May 2014 - Letter to the editor: Measles on the cruise ship

Letter to the editor: Measles on the cruise ship: links with virus spreading into an emergency department in Southern Italy

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Sexta, Maio 16, 2014

Guinea Ebola outbreak Video

WHO is helping coordinating a collective and international response effort against the ebola outbeak. With partners' support, WHO is optimising response strategies.

Please find below the link to the Guinea Ebola video. 

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Quarta, Maio 14, 2014

WHO statement on MERS-CoV – fifth meeting

The fifth meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the Director-General under the International Health Regulations (2005) concerning Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was held by teleconference on Tuesday, 13 May 2014.

The Committee strongly urged WHO and Member States to take immediate steps to:

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Quarta, Maio 7, 2014

An emerging threat: Mosquito-borne diseases in Europe

Outbreaks in Europe

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Terça, Maio 6, 2014

WHO International Travel and Health publication 2014 - available on line

The 2014 updates of the WHO International Travel and Health (ITH) publication are now available on line.
