
Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الجمعة, أغسطس 5, 2016

Yellow fever situation report August 5th 2016

The Yellow Fever situation report of 5 August 2016 has been posted on the Event Information Site for IHR National Focal Points at

The report will also be available at the WHO Yellow Fever web site: 

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الثلاثاء, أغسطس 2, 2016

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, August 2016

WHO Bulletin, August 2016 is available at http://www.who.int/bulletin/en/

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الجمعة, يوليو 29, 2016

Yellow fever situation report July 28th 2016

Yellow fever situation report of 28th July 2016 has been posted. The report is available on the WHO web site.
URL: http://www.who.int/emergencies/yellow-fever/situation-reports/28-july-2016/en/
Full text: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/246262/1/yellowfeversitrep-28Jul2016-eng.pdf?ua=1

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الجمعة, يوليو 29, 2016

Weekly Emidemiological Record (WER) July 29th 2016

Weekly Epidemiological Record 29th July 2016 is available at: http://www.who.int/wer/2016/wer9130/en/
In this issue:
- 349 Dengue vaccine: WHO position paper – July 2016
Full text at: http://www.who.int/entity/wer/2016/wer9130.pdf?ua=1

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الجمعة, يوليو 29, 2016

Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire (REH) 29 juillet 2016

Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire (REH) du 29 juillet 2016 est disponible sur: http://www.who.int/wer/2016/wer9130/fr/
Dans ce numéro:
- 349 Note de synthèse de l’OMS sur le vaccin contre la dengue – juillet 2016
Texte intégral: http://www.who.int/entity/wer/2016/wer9130.pdf?ua=1

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الخميس, يوليو 28, 2016

New yellow fever vaccination requirements for travellers

Amendment to the period of validity of the international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever, which is now extended to the life of the person vaccinated

Read more on WHO update on 27 July 2016 available at http://www.who.int/ith/updates/20160727/en/ 

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الأربعاء, يوليو 27, 2016

Third Edition of the International Health Regulations

The third edition of the IHR has just been published. For those of us working at ports, the change of particular interest to us is that yellow fever protection by approved vaccination is now recognised by WHO as providing lifetime protection as compared to the previous 10 year validity. Available at http://www.who.int/ihr/publications/9789241580496/en/ 

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
الاثنين, يوليو 25, 2016

Brazil - Health Advice for Travellers to the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games

WHO Update on "Brazil Health Advice for Travellers to the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games" is available at http://www.who.int/ith/updates/20160621/en/ 
