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الثلاثاء, يوليو 24, 2018

Ebola outbreak in DRC ends: WHO calls for international efforts to stop other deadly outbreaks in the country

Today marks the end of the ninth outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

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الجمعة, مارس 16, 2018

Media Report on Two Confirmed Cases of Measles Among International Travelers

Two confirmed cases of measles among international travelers are reported in media. According to the article, health officials in New Jersey and Michigan are warning travelers who passed through three airports that they may have been exposed to measles following two confirmed cases in international travelers. Read more on https://nypost.com/2018/03/15/measles-warning-issued-after-infected-travelers-flew-to-three-airports/


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الثلاثاء, مارس 13, 2018

News Article on Measles Case Confirmed on Air Canada Flight from Switzerland

Canadian public health officials are investigating a confirmed case of measles on an Air Canada flight from Switzerland. Online news reported that this latest case, coincidentally, is the second such measles incident involving possible exposure on an Air Canada flight from Switzerland in a matter of weeks. Last month, the Canadian officials confirmed that an infant was infected after a recent international travel.

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الاثنين, فبراير 26, 2018

PAGNet survey

Dear PAGNet Members and Subscribers,

The PAGNet Advisory Group has placed a short survey on PAGNet that is easily available to you by clicking on "Fill in the PAGNet survey" in the Menu to the right of the PAGNet Front Page
after you have logged on to your PAGNet account.

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الخميس, ديسمبر 21, 2017

EU SHIPSAN ACT - guidance document about preparedness planning and public health measures in response to suspected plague affected ships

A guidance document about preparedness planning and public health measures in response to suspected plague affected ships is now available on the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action website. The guidance document provides advice for public health authorities and shipping industries.Read more athttp://www.shipsan.eu/
