United Nations Foundation, Inc.

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 2.3. Items 14.4 and 14.5

Honorable chair, distinguished delegates,

- The United Nations Foundation remains fully committed to global polio eradication, including efforts to maximize efficiencies and reach all children.
- We commend the GPEI for continued progress on polio eradication while working with partner countries to ensure that polio-funded assets are effectively integrated and transitioned for the long-term – to ensure that countries remain polio-free and to provide broader benefits to health systems. Preparation, accountability, and coordination across various stakeholders is urgent.
- All countries remain vulnerable to outbreaks. We call on all Member States to strengthen immunization and surveillance systems and to consider immunization and polio infrastructure when discussing national efforts to bolster health security.
- We commend GPEI’s efforts to collaborate with IA2030, Gavi and other initiatives, particularly in reaching zero-dose communities.
- We acknowledge challenges for the polio program created by conflict and humanitarian crises which require united international action.
We commend GPEI’s dedication to ensuring gender barriers are addressed and to supporting women at all levels of programming.
- We urge sustained political and financial commitment to polio eradication and call on member states to stay the course – we cannot allow unprecedented progress to be lost.
- We welcome all supportive statements from Member States and look forward to explicit commitments from all stakeholders to strengthen immunization programs, including polio eradication, to deliver for children.