Global Health Council, Inc.

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.3. Items 11.6, 11.7, and 11.8

AMR is a growing existential threat that requires sustained action and urgent attention. The UN High Level meeting on AMR must prompt Member States to promote infection prevention and control measures, including WASH, and invest in priority, new and improved antimicrobials, novel compounds, diagnostics, vaccines, and other technologies to fight AMR. Innovations should be developed with access in mind, especially for gender minorities, underserved populations, and those in low-resource settings.

We also call on countries to accelerate the implementation of national AMR action plans and prioritize a comprehensive, collaborative One Health approach that integrates gender perspectives. Member States should support the resolution on this agenda item and call for the creation of a global AMR laboratory network to strengthen diagnostic capacity.