Women in Global Health, Inc.

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.1. Items 11.1 and 11.2

Distinguished delegates,

Gender inequalities affect health access and outcomes for girls, women and gender-diverse people. Health systems strengthening must be gender-responsive and equitable to achieve UHC.

On behalf of the Alliance for Gender Equality and UHC, we call on Member States to:

1- Fully deliver on all commitments to gender equality and gender-responsive health systems and UHC in the 2019 and 2023 UHC Political Declarations and emphasize these commitments in the Pact for the Future this year.
Ensure progress and performance are disaggregated by gender, sex and age to be able to address gaps.
2- Design, resource, and deliver inclusive and resilient health systems based on rights, gender-responsive policies and comprehensive health services, ensuring the elimination of gender inequality and discrimination
3- Resource and deliver universal access to sexual and reproductive health services as essential services and mainstream them in national health policy frameworks.
Ensure gender equality and inclusion in health systems leadership and decision-making at all levels.

Thank you.