International Planned Parenthood Federation

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.3. Items 11.6, 11.7, and 11.8

IPPF congratulates the co-sponsors and welcomes the resolution on this critical issue, which touches every region and Member State in this room.

We welcome the attention to universal access to sexual and reproductive health including to adolescents, whose human rights to SRH, information and services are frequently de-prioritized.

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), maternal mortality, harmful practices, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are some of the most neglected targets of the SDGs. This is the result of deliberate political choices that do not prioritize women’s, girls and adolescents’ lives—but you can change that. With 50% of the world voting this year, it is essential for incoming governments to increase investments and implementation of global commitments if we are to get anywhere close to the SDG targets by 2023.

Finally, the recognition of unsafe abortion as a major contributor globally to preventable maternal mortality is an essential step to eliminating unsafe abortion and saving women and girls’ lives. The number and diversity of co-sponsors of this resolution demonstrates the global commitment to reducing maternal, newborn and child morality and promoting access to quality and respectful SRH care, and we look forward to partnering on its implementation.